Friday the 13th I spend the entire day in the Philly airport. It was a miserable experience. I have never had to wait for a flight for this long. Sad time and a wasted vacation day. I got into Maine around midnight. Back to my mum's and off to bed.
The next day I went to see my good friend Greta. We intended on going hiking. We could not find a suitable place so we went with the back up plan of heading to the coast, which we had trouble finding due to some faulty guidance from a grocery store cashier. We found ourselves on a dirt road just outside Freeport. We finally saw the ocean through some tree and behind some houses. We parked and began our trespassing journey. After walking past what seemed to be a vacant home and sliding down over a huge banking we were on the water. It was that great Maine ocean smell and air. I miss it. We wandered around for a bit before deciding to climb back up over the hill.

Once at the top of the hill, we peered into the windows of the house only to realize that there was an old woman looking at us. She began to call her dog and head to the door....we ran. Oh well. Adventures.
That night my mum, my mum's boyfriend, my brother, my sister, my sister's friend and I made the world famous
English Muffin Pizzas! We also had some salads. Maine has very few options for the vegan crowd. Additionally, my families homes tend to not have the same in house staples I have at my home. This makes cooking a bit trying, like an episode of top chef. Often strange ingredients and a limited supply of time for something great!
Orange Dressing
1/3 cup of vinegar
1/3 cup of oil
2 tablespoons of orange juice
2 teaspoons of ground black pepper
1 teaspoon of garlic powder
1 teaspoon of salt
Blend all ingredients together and chill for 30 minutes. The orange flavor will be noticeable but mild.
The salad was good as were the pizzas. I managed to find some soy cheese to use so that was nice.
That night my brother and I met up with Greta again and snacked on some chips waiting for my friend Adam to get off work. Things did not look good for the prospect and my brother had to work early the next day so Greta and I just went to watch a movie. Do not waste your time with 2012, it is even worse then you think.
Sunday was a day at my dad's. I spent most of the afternoon making dinner for the family and friends. My step mother, Sue Ann, is allergic to most everything, combine that with my veganism it really felt like a top chef quickfire. I made Spaghetti Squash with Chic pea Cakes and Asparagus (no soy, no wheat, no whey, no dairy, no meat, nothing spicy). It was a hit and very yummy. I made way to many cakes so it is good thing they enjoyed them...leftovers!

My dad and I beat up on the ladies in a brutal game of Robinson Uno! Good times. Then my dad and I headed off to the basement for a few games of pool. He is far better then I am but I got a few in.

That night I met up with Adam and we were in dire search to find someplace to hang out with some people he know from work. We ended up in Hallowell and watch some crazy people dance to a really bad dj. Oh Maine!
Monday was my mum's birthday. We took a road trip to Farmington Maine to see my sister, brother and my sister's 1 year old boy.

That night was the meteor show. Greta and I made plans to watch the show but ended up falling asleep. We woke up as it was beginning and it was uneventful and cold. I had such high expectations for the shower too.
Tue was my last full Maine day. I went to see Priscilla. She is kind of like a no-so-faux Grandmother. She has been a great person in my life. She taught me so many things about food and gardening. I wish I could keep more in touch with her but I seem to fail. We spent several hours talking. There are some people I miss too much.
It was off to another sister's house, Nikki. I had not seen Nikki in several years. She actually runs a daycare at her home. Some kid thought I was it's dad. I tried to explain the vasectomy but it was no use. I just kept gently pushing it away.
Off to my dad's again for dinner and a haircut. We made a simple stirfry with brown rice noodles. It was good and light. I spent the last night in Maine hanging out with Adam again and my good pal Tom came up to see me from Portland. Apparently, when playing trivia in Maine, you should know more Maine facts then we did. Dead last out of about 15 teams. Good times.
I flwe out of Portland Maine the following day around 330pm. I had time for one last visit. My long time friend, Jonny. He is one of the best people I have ever known. I can count on him for anything and I hope he feels the same. I love this little man. We met when he transferred into our school midway through out 7th grade year. The first thing anyone told him was, "stay away from Vic." Best friends ever since.