It has been a long time. People often ask me how long I have been vegan so this landmark should have been in the forefront of my memory. Generally, most are shocked when I tell them. It seems they expect me to have a much smaller number of years, or even still be counting in months. Immediately, it is assumed that my parents are vegan and I grew up that way or that I must be the healthiest man on earth. It is amusing the assumptions people make about veganism.
Another frequent question I get is "why?" I never really have an answer and my personality allows me the space to give them a sarcastic asinine answer and change the subject. Honestly, I do not have an easy answer anymore. When I was 18, I would have given a tirade of facts about animal cruelty. I still could, or even more facts on the environmental impact of the meat and dairy industry, health concerns, ideas relating to primitive cultures, and so much more. I guess, in part, I am vegan for all of these reasons.
Mainly, I am vegan because I am. I learned how to live vegan. I cook vegan, dress vegan, digest vegan, shop vegan, buy vegan, I am vegan. I do not know anything else. I would not even know how to shop for, prepare, cook, or eat anything that was not vegan. It is that simple. I am vegan because I am. Keeping in simple. After 12 years, my vegan lifestyle is done without much thought. It is just natural, simple.
Not everything has to be nice, fancy, complex, and cool. Sometimes simple is best, like taking a watermelon and cutting it into chucks for an evening treat. Simple but amazing.

I love this post. Happy Veganniversary. If you lived near me, I would make you a superhero cake. You and I have the very same reasons for being vegan. It is so easy for me. I couldn't see being anything else but vegan.
Great post. I couldn't agree more. I have been vegan for 11 years (vegetarian for 15 or so years before that), although I don't know the exact date for the "anniversary".
Simple is often times the best! Love the watermelon...yum!
I know what you mean- it seems wierd not to be vegan.
happy veganversary! 12 years kicks so much ass! i can't wait to have that many years under my belt! rock on! i'm with you on the reasons for being vegan - it just makes the most sense to me, you know. people ask me when i'll go back to being an omni, i tell them never. once you see - you can't un-see, and besides - since becoming vegan my life is so much more happy, i'm more aware of the my choices, i'm more open-minded & hearted, and everything is so much more delicous!
congrats again - and keep on do'n what you're do'n and being who you are! yay!
This is great. Happy 12yrs. I'm only on my second but cant wait until I can say the same.
Yay! Congrats Vic! And I understand completely about just being vegan because you are. And that's just the way it is!
wow! 12 years is awesome... i wish you had a 12 year old recipe blog... it'd be the go-to vegan cookbook. :)
This comes to you late but 12 years of being vegan? Way to go!!!
I just stumbled upon your blog and I am loving it already :)
Congrats on being a vegan. I wish I was (mainly for ethical reasons) but my love for cheese & sushi is hard to resist...
I took the 'baby step' last year of giving up meat (on my third attempt!) and I am a wee bit proud of myself because of that.
Next I am going to try investigating about vegetarian cheese (I have heard it actually exists!) and get used to eating sushi that does not have fish in it.
That fireplace in your place (on a blog post above) looks gorgeous, by the way.
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