On the more enjoyable side of things, my birthday is Tuesday! I am looking forward to the day. A nice addition to the birthday is that I found that K'Naan will be playing in Atlanta on the 4th, which I also have off from work. The last time I saw K'Naan was several years ago and I am really looking forward to the show.

In the midst of my sickness, I made some split pea soup. I had intentions of posting the recipe for you all to have but, I honestly can not recall what I put in it. I was very ill, I am not even sure I made it. Either way, it was extremely good and I got to eat leftovers the day after, as did Jamie. The rest of the week it feels like I have been eating take out because I have not been up to cooking.
Also in the middle of my fever, I went house hunting for another day. What can I say, I am hardcore. I saw some really amazing things and may pull the trigger on something this week. I tried to take Jamie to see the house I have been thinking about but when we got there, I was unable to get us in. There is already a bid on the table for the house I want but I may be able to beat it. I hope I am not being to hasty. Only time will tell.
I have today off and made some Thai food. For years now I have

To the surprise of most Georgians, it has been snowing all day. No joke. Jamie and I went out and took some pictures. We encouraged Tato to experience the snow but he was not having it. He could not get back in the house fast enough. He is a character.

The city seems to be going berserk over the snow. At the store, people we grabbing cereal boxes like there was a zombie invasion in the horizon and they may never get to leave the safety of their homes again. In reality the only thing that seems to be affected by the snow here is the judgment of the already unsafe driving community in Atlanta.
1 comment:
Wow, it looks like you got a lot of snow for Georgia! That must be very exciting. We had simultaneous snowstorms, as Anchorage got dumped on at the same time!
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