Coraline 3D was decent, the story was interesting for a kids film and the imagery made the film intreging to watch however, overall it was very slow. Oh well...I guess it was worth the watch.
Two days later I was finally given the opportunity to make my sesame tofu! After a qucik check to make sure it had not gone bad, I began the process. I decided to fry the tofu and mushrooms, make some brown rice and add some brussel sprout. To top it all off I steamed some chinese brocoli! The presentation was great.
Sesame Sauce

1 cup white sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 cup water or not chicken broth
1/8 cup white vinegar
2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons sesame oil
1 teaspoon chile paste
1 clove garlic, chopped
Heat the oil on med heat. Add all liquid bring to a simmer. Add the sugar and cornstarch and simmer for 5 minutes.
While making the sauce, I fried the tofu and mushrooms in sesame oil until the tofu got a little crunchy and the mushrooms were soft. I also steamed the chinese brocoli and in a seperate pan I fried the brussel sprouts that I had halved. When the tofu was done, I added the sesame sauce to the tofu and mushrooms and brought it to a simmer, stirring occacionally to fully coat everything. While the sesame sauce was simmering with e tofu, I set up my plate.
Rice down the middle and 4 chinese brocoli, 2 on either side (almost a sa garnish). Then I took some bamboo sticks I had and put one piece of tofu, follwed by 1 piece of mushroom, then one half of 1 brussel sprout, and finally 1 last piece of tofu. Gently, I set the stick on the rice bed and sprinkled some toasted sesame seeds over the top. Repeat and serve!

I bet those flavors were so intense after the marinading. Great idea!
I really like the plate presentation. Sounds delicious. I wonder if you could BBQ it?
Mmmm fried tofu...looks great!
sounds awesome, and what a great presentation! great for entertaining, or just really fun eating...
what a beautiful dish! nice job! and the sauce sounds super stellar! huzzah on finding such cheap fresh tofu - that rocks so hard! :)
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