Randomly, I checked and the Hawks were playing the Jazz here in the A. With minimal convincing, Jamie was on board and we were on our way! I have always been a Utah fan and it was a lot of fun to see them, even in Atlanta won.
Sunday afternoon I made some chickpea cakes. These were inspired by Vegan Dad. I changed things around a bit and will continue to change things but they were very good. A recipe will be posted as I make it more my own. Once again though, big thanks to Vegan Dad.
I am looking forward to another relaxing week. Jamie and I finally booked our Idaho trip and are plotting out the days. I also have a chunk of time off at the end of April which I am not sure what I am

Those chickpea cakes look really good! I'll have to tinker with Vegan Dad's recipe myself, but I'd like to see what you come up with!
The chickpea cakes are awesome. I made them for the boys and they loved them.
Great find on the cedar chest. That is awesome. I love garage sales and thrift stores. We have a Goodwill outlet store. Imagine that, a thrift store that has an outlet store as well. Everything is super cheap. You have to do some searching, but if you are patient you find awesome items.
Hope you have a terrific day.
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