I have struggled with pies for a long time. In fact, I struggle as baker regularly. Recently, at Cosmo's Vegan Shoppe, Laura of Abracapocus fame, and I conversed about my inability to follow directions and its connection to baking. In an attempt to think outside of the box, I made a deconstructed strawberry rhubarb pie. I used my nana 's pie recipe to make a flat crust. Then I made a thick "jam" with the strawberries and rhubarb and spooned it out over the top. It came out really well and I was happy with it. Not quite as good as an actual pie but sometimes you have to know your limits.

yum! I love strawberries and rhubarb!
Your dessert looks great and I imagine it was delicious. Nice job.
now that's funny. ;-)
also, i had the same conversation about a week ago. someone else having the same problem. one thing that helps me is using recipes that give ingredients by weight. i have a little scale, measure everything with that. then you don't have to worry about whether or not the brown sugar is supposed to be packed, etc.
dang you and all your fiddlehead posts! i really want to try some of these, but alas, i cannot find ANY here in kansas city. so sad. i guess i have to live vicariously through your recipes and pictures. :)
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