Friday was a busy house day. In fact, there were a few things I wanted to get done that I was forced to skip due to the time occupied by the house. On the brighter side, Jamie and I grabbed some primer and got to work that night. We almost completed both the living room and dining room. Good stuff. Sunday we will be heading to get some faucets and fixtures for the house. Jamie has an amazing design sense and I am going to lean on her a lot during this process. She knows what she is doing and I fully trust her with this.

Before we left for priming on Friday, I pulled some sandwiches together. I made a spin off from this
recipe. It came out really well and I am going make it more my own before I post my version of this recipe.
It has been a good week and I can not wait to go to New Hampshire. Here we go New England!
very cool on getting so much priming done. that rocks! i hope you guys had fun looking for fixtures for your home! dan trusts me with a lot of design things around our home as well - i think it works well because we both have similar and simple tastes, and he's so laid back. that's awesome that you support Jamie's tastes & trust her - so awesome! i'd love to try your spin on the salad - and i'll be check'n back for the recipe, indeed!
That sandwich looks really good!
I've been hesitant to try a "mock tuna fish" recipe, but I think it's about time that I got brave and whipped one together...
Very cool that you and Jamie are designing/decorating your house together! I can't wait to see pics once it's finally done :)
Yum, I use a similar recipe for "tuna" salad- And I'm thankful it really tastes nothing like tuna! Way better, in my opinion.
those sammies are rockin! i love the fatty toast!
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