Did I mention that my oven is now working again? I have used it everyday since we got it back. Everything from pie to enchiladas to pizza to....now....cake! I love baking cakes. I used to be terrible at it but have put forth a ton of effort. As someone who loves sweets, it is a necessity to be able to bake a good cake. Although, I have yet to find a great yellow cake recipe. I want something extremely moist, I do not mind a dense cake but it mus be moist. Anyway, I made a cake the other day. It is a yellow cake with a vegan cream cheese frosting. I sprinkled the top with the last of my white chocolate chips and smushed some nice chocolate cookies on the sides. It is actually a great cake, I just want it to be a better before I come out with an official recipe. You can still take a look at the picture and tell me what you think.

The house is going well. It looks like we are going to close on the 27th of this month. I have been told it may get pushed back but that is the tentative date. My contractor has all his ducks in a row and is ready to start tearing the place apart. I checked the
Zillow website today and saw that my house is already listed at $157k. I am not sure where they get their information but it is encouraging non the less.
Well, I hope to cook something extra special this weekend (I have Sunday off) but we will see. Have a good weekend.
Wow. The cake looks so good. Glad to hear your oven is working again.
that cake looks seriously good!!
I like what I see....
That cake looks professionally done!
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