I bought a house today. They took my offer on the reduced price foreclosed HUD home. Lets just say I got the house dirt cheap. Today was spent filling out all the applications and such. I should enter the inspection period by Friday. There are a lot of issue with the house but nothing that can not be fixed. Jamie and I went to take some pictures of the house tonight. When we got back I made a version of
Vegan Dad's Plum Tofu. It came out really nice and had a nice flavor. There are a few things I will change next time. I will be doing more with tofu in the future since I can buy a large block of fresh tofu for less then a buck at the local farmers market.

The next 2 weeks should be filled with stress over major choices relating to the house. I hope it all goes well and will keep everyone updated. I plan on posting pictures as the re-hab progresses.
Yayyyyy!!! It's beautiful!! Congratulations on your new home!
congrats, congrats, congrats! your new home looks awesome! i love the tile in the bathroom! keep us updated on all the awesomeness you do to your new home, too! i'd love to see how it comes along! congrats again! superhappyface!
Congratulations on the new house! I'm glad good things are still able to happen "in this economy."
ohhh congrats on your new house!!! how exciting!!
Hooooorrrayy! Congrats to you on the big purchase. Lots of room for vegan fun, I hope :)
Wow! That's so great. I love your blog. Congratulations on your new house!
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