Friday, June 22, 2012



I have been busy and a little under the weather recently, which has caused me to neglect the blog world a bit.  I will get caught up eventually.  Promise.

At the end of my trip to Spain, my buddy Miak, introduced me to a new style of seitan.  I was intrigued and committed to mastering the dish myself.  I tried as soon as I got back without the success I was looking for (although hardly a failure).

Back on the task a couple of weeks later I tried again.  Again, not perfect but more what I was looking for then the previous attempt.  My struggle is currently with the ratio between lentils and gluten.  I am improving and will get there soon, I can taste it!


  1. What kind of seitan is it? What are the ingredients? I would love to try and figure out how to make it. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. You're such a tease to give us no details :)

  3. that looks like such a delicious dinner! mmmm!
