Saturday, June 23, 2012

Dinner and the East Atlanta Farmers Market

Last week, Ashley and her daughter, Kaleigh, came for a visit.  The three of us have been getting together almost weekly for quite some time.  Kaleigh is a lot of fun and has really been a treat to be around.  She seems to be a picky eater though.  Ashley was for awhile though too.

I try to make familiar foods for her so she will give them a shot.  This time I tried an old recipe of mine, Peanut Butter Curry with Tofu.  Back in my Portland Oregon days, this was a common dish for me.  It is defiantly a favorite of mine and I think this was the first time Ashley had it.

Kaleigh struggled and did not eat much of it.  After dinner, we were looking for a park to attend when we saw that the East Atlanta Farmers Market was about to start.  We jumped in the car and headed over!

It was an outstanding blend of prepared food, produce, and activities.  There was a guy playing on guitars he made from boxes, another group showing kids how to make their own hula hoops, foraged mushrooms, vegan donuts, and even a specialty popsicle cart!

We had a lot of fun and I think we may go back again soon.  We did not bring much money so the only thing we got was a peach basil popcicle.  It was tasty though.


  1. Got an award for you here


    nice popsicle :-)

  2. i love farmer's markets! so fun! and that popsicle looks yummyyyyyy!!
