Monday, August 10, 2015

Garden Harvest!

Ashley, Kaleigh and I started harvesting some items from the garden this past weekend.  We got a huge amount of beans, peas, lettuce, kale, a few radishes, cucumbers, zucchini, and summer squash.  The beans and peas are growing like crazy and the cukes are really delicious.

We have been eating beans by the handful as well as giving them out to folks who have been at the house.  It feels great to finally have a garden again.  In Atlanta we never bothered, I was broken down and did not have the motivation for it.

In Maine, it was one of our main goals, grow food.  We are growing it!  Next year we hope to expand and grow a lot more as well.  We are using this year to figure out what we should expand, how much we want of each vegetable, etc.  Next year we should be into the gardening hard.

Hopefully we can find a place to get compost or loam that is not full of weeds.  This year, we accidentally planted more weeds than we did food.  That combined with the fact that this land has been overgrown with aggressive weeds for year meant that this garden got away from us a bit.  Nearly a permaculture situation but it is still grown food is it is fine with us!

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