Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Happy Birthday to Ashley!

Yesterday was Ashley's Birthday!  When we moved to Maine last year, her birthday was right around the corner and she went whale watching with my mum.  It was hectic due to the move but she had a good time.

This year, now being settled in Maine she was missing her family a bit and a little concerned about her birthday being a sad day with her family so far away.

Kaleigh and I packed Ashley up and headed out of the house at the crack of dawn, driving the back roads through Maine to finally arrive at a White Water Rafting outfitter.  Ashley and I have been before in Georgia but never with Kaleigh and never in Maine.  She was excited as we set out!

The rapids were coming in fast and we are having a blast.  Kaleigh got a chance to paddle as well as ride in the front.  We all jumped the raft and swam for a rapid as well!  It was a ton of fun despite a little rain.  We had a lunch that had some vegan options like rice and veggies as well as beans and corn!

That evening we went to Ashley's favorite restaurant for dinner where several of my family met up with us.  I made her a triple chocolate cake and she got a few presents.  It was a great day and we were exhausted when we finally got home.

Happy birthday to the best partner in the world!

1 comment:

  1. Great vegan blog! Happy birthday, Ashley! We lived in Windsor in the late 80s. Miss it! My best to you both from a fellow vegan! My blog is
