Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Buffalo Tempeh Salad and Gazpacho!

For some time now I have been trying to get Kaleigh to like tempeh.  She struggles with the slight bitterness and the texture.  I have been diligently trying to find ways to "fix" both for her.

The other night I made a Buffalo Tempeh salad with homemade ranch dressing.  In an attempt to remove the bitterness, I streamed the tempeh for about 10 minutes.  To try and make the texture easier, I cut the tempeh into fun triangles so she might not notice and the grains of the tempeh would be smaller.

It seemed to work because after frying them up in some buffalo sauce and spices, she ate them up!  Maybe it was a fluke or maybe I have found a way for Kaleigh to eat tempeh!

With the salads I made gazpacho!  Gazpacho is a summer favorite at our house and also something we are offering on our new private chef menu.  It was nice and tangy. raw, and super packed with veggies!  Always a great cooling dish!

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