Monday, October 20, 2014

Deli Slices in the works...

Since moving to Maine I have been working perfecting and developing a line of vegan deli slices.  My pepperoni slices have been posted as a recipe for awhile and have been a big hit with the folks I have served them too.

Ham Slices

Recently, I have come up with two new flavors.  Turkey and Ham.  The turkey needs to be a little more moist and ironically, the ham was a little too moist and not quite dense enough.  The flavor for both was very good and will just take a little tweaking for perfection.
Turkey Slices

Part of the plan is to try to get these slices into some local natural food stores in Maine as well as some other local business that are already vegan friendly or would like to be.  Step one is mastering the product, which means we will have to eat a lot of deli sandwiches!

Turkey Slices

I also need to find a good slicer to get consistent slices going as well as a good way to package them.

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