Friday, October 17, 2014

A visitor from the south...

We had out first out of town visitor this past week.  Ashley's mother came all the way from Georgia to see how our family was adjusting to the Maine life, to see the house, and to see what Maine was all about.

We took the week and showed her around.  We hit all the hot spots, Pemaquid Point Lighthouse, Popham Beach, Acadia National Park, Lake Damariscotta, Portland, Camden/Rockland, etc.  It was a real what's what of Maine at peak foliage to boot.

Of course, I tagged along on a few of the trips and snapped some solid pictures for my collection.  Historically, Ashley and I try to make it to the Great Smokey Mountains National Park around the foliage season but since we are now in Maine, we will need to find a new favorite spot.

Acadia, Sand Beach

Acadia, Thunder Hole


The week was filled with lots of days off, long car rides, amazing scenery, and of course good eats!

Popham Beach State Park

Popham Beach State Park

Fort Popham

Kaleigh's Roasted Red Pepper Soup


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