Thursday, October 23, 2014

First Maine punk show in years...

Recently, I packed Kaleigh up and headed to Skowhegan to a punk show with some local Maine bands.  Growing up in Maine I have a real affinity for the local towns bands.  It is also a lot of fun for me to see Kaleigh experience punk rock for herself and see what she gets from it.

Nostalgia was in full effect as I run into some of the old Maine punk heads that have been in the trenches on Maine punk rock for decades.  It is fun to be part of the old folks.  In punk years, 34 is ancient and I am a dinosaur.

Thankfully, the new wave of Maine punk rock is alive and well.  I really felt inspired and excited to be back and began to wonder what roll I can fill now with my grey hairs and more than 2 decades of punk experience.

The folks that ran the show were in a band called Uncle Spudd.  I also got to see my old friend Brett's new acoustic set as well has Gardiner legends, Hogan's Alley.  There is another Skowhegan show coming up soon that I am looking forward to taking Kaleigh to as well!

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