Monday, February 3, 2014

Snow Days in Atlanta

Being from Maine, a snow day means something very different than it does here in Atlanta.  The city shut down for 4 days when it snowed about 2 inches on Tuesday.  I understand that Atlanta does not have the service vehicles to handle snow and that is why we shut down so quickly.  However, for me, the idea of people abandoning their vehicles on the highway seems a bit extreme.

The time off was a nice break though.  Ashley worked each day at the hospital but Kaleigh and I spent a lot of time together.  Ashley made us some hot chocolate with vegan marshmallows!  It was delicious and very comforting on a "snowy" day.  I got to use my new mug that Kaleigh made me too.

One of the days I made some veggie burgers from scratch as well.  The flavor was great but they were too moist.  I have a few ideas to make them better and I will share the recipe when I have it perfected.

All in all, the snow days were a great family time and we played some good board games.  It was good for us to have the time off.

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