Thursday, February 6, 2014


It has been awhile since we made Indian food at the house.  Since Kaleigh has really liked going out for Indian food, we thought we would give it a try.  Ashley wanted to try a new dish with it as well.

Typically, I make a channa dish and add in potato or cauliflower if I have it.  I generally add rice and sometimes make a daal too.  This time, instead of daal, I made a sarson ka saag.  It is a creamed spinach dish loaded with traditional Indian spices.

The channa came out great but was nothing new for the household.  However, I had never made a saag so I was going in fairly blind.  It was fantastic!  I used coconut cream to give it a rich flavor and it really did the trick.  The whole meal was great and a lot of fun.  Kaleigh even took some to school for her lunch.  Saag will definitely be on the menu again.

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