Thursday, January 30, 2014

Kaleigh turns 7 (and cookie cakes!)

When we returned from vacation, Kaleigh had a birthday party with her Atlanta family.  We went to a restaurant for dinner and presents.  I surprised Kaleigh with a shiitake mushroom log.  Ashley recorded her opening a log, as it was quite humorous.  Once she found out what it was, she was excited but prior to that she was a little upset and confused about opening a log on her 7th birthday.

The following day, Kaleigh got to have a birthday party with her friends at the movie theater.  They had a great time but it was a ton of work for Ashley and I.  We could have used another adult, we were in over our heads a bit.

Kaleigh is not a big fan of icing so she asked me to make a cookie cake.  I did her one better and made two!  I had never made a cookie cake before and it was slightly different than I had expected.  I figured it was "use normal cookie recipe, make one bit cookie".  Not quite,  I had to slightly alter the recipes, grease a pan, etc.  They came out great though!  They were a big hit at the party.  The double chocolate chip was such a big hit that I did not even get to try a slice!

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