Thursday, April 25, 2013

French Toast topped Afternoon at the Park!

I am really enjoying my new camera.  There is a huge learning curve which is fun but can be frustrating.  I have been trying to take shots in places and lighting that I had not previously bothered and I have gotten some good results.

Thursday, I picked Kaleigh up and we went to the playground.  There were several other kids but she mostly played with me or by herself.  She is so cerebral, it amazes me.  I think her leanings on her thought process will really benefit her in life.  She spent some time building sand castles and sand caves.  Then I encouraged her to run and play on the phenomenal playground equipment.  She had fun but it was like pulling teeth to get her started.

For dinner, we had a simple vegan french toast with some soy sausages and fresh mango.  Ashley joiced us for dinner but Kaleigh gobbled all the mango before anyone could get a share!  I can not say I blame her, the couple slices I had were fantastic.  When it comes to her diet, I would much prefer her to fill up on the mango then the french toast...although, that is what I did...