Monday, April 22, 2013

Sick Day; Muffins and Pasta

Kaleigh had been diagnosed with strep throat last Sunday.  She had to stay out of school for Monday, sadly, missing her perfect attendance that she had been working for all year.  However, Ashley still had clinic so I offered to take Kaleigh for the day.  I figured we would watch a few movies and relax, since I was also off from work that day.  We did, precisely that.

We did make some raspberry and chocolate chip muffins though.  Somehow, we messed them yup and the came out a little tough and a little overdone.  It was ok, they still all got eaten.

Ashley joined us for dinner.  I made a simple dinner of pasta with a store bought sauce.  I used the remaining pepperoni deli slices that I had in the sauce though.  It was actually another great way to use them, they were perfect with the pasta.  I also made some roasted brussel sprouts.  It was quick and easy, sometimes that is just what is needed. 

A week later, Kaleigh is feeling much better.  I can recall being a child and recovering from illness with such quickness.  Now, I get a cold and it lasts three weeks.  I am envious, but glad she is better.

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