Friday, April 26, 2013

Day of Relaxing and Eating!

Last Friday was a lazy day.  Ashley and I lounged a bit, went to Harmony for a late lunch.  Generally, I only frequent Harmony for weekday lunches.  They have some insanely cheap specials and their dinner prices are a bit over the top.

We got some errands done and then made some Spaghetti Squash with Pesto Sauce.  It has been a couple year since I made this dish and I forgot how amazing it is.  There were even leftovers for me to take to work the following day.  This dish sits so well and is great cold.

For a bedtime snack, Ashley made a sort of dessert quesadilla.  It was topped with cinnamon and sugar, with a side of oat based ice cream and filled with bananas, peanut butter and chocolate.

1 comment:

  1. Nice, enjoy the reat of the week Vic with Ashley and the kids.
