Monday, April 29, 2013

18 Jet-lagged Hours of Fun

Laura, one of my best friends in the world, recently took a trip to Ireland.  She was there for about 10 days with a friend of hers.  I rarely get to see Laura, about 6 years ago she moved to Los Angeles.  On their way home from Ireland, she planned an 18 hour lay over in Atlanta so we could spend time together!  Eighteen jet-lagged hours of fun!

First, right from the airport, Laura wanted to go to Southern Sweets.  She says that there is nothing comparable in LA and each time she comes to Atlanta, she make it a priority.  We got nearly one of each slice of vegan cake they offer and ate most all of them.  Sugar coma.

That evening we planned to meet up with Ashley and Kaleigh and walk around Piedmont Park and a trip to Green Sprout, another must do on Laura's list.  We all ate too much and left with the wonderful feeling of nearly exploding.

The green space in Atlanta is much more abundant then most cities of it's size which is why both Laura and her friend were impressed with Peidmont Park.  Kaleigh brought her bike and we spent a couple of hours in the park, relaxing.

Then it was an early night due to an early flight the following day.  It was a short visit but I am glad I got to see her and her friend was really nice.  I hope I get to see Laura again soon!

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