Friday, September 7, 2012

Maine Trip; Day 9; Westie!

After two days in Old Town and then a day in Boston, I was looking forward to a light day on my random Thursday.  I rode around town, looking at how all my old hangouts had changed.  The Gardiner boat landing used to be a fairly skummy place that my friends and I spent many late nights at.  It has been totally rebuilt and is quite a nice place now.  I do miss the skum though....

That evening I took a trip to Portland to see my old friend Westie.  He and his girlfriend Amanda, made dinner, alfredo pasta with some bread, tofu, and a sleak salad.  Westie has been vegan for nearly as long as I have.  We have a long history of making some crazy meals together.

After dinner, we walked around Portland talking for a bit.  Needing to get back to Augusta for an early morning car return, I headed north.  It was great to see Westie, meet his girlfriend and I even got to see his brother, Tubby Tim!

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