Saturday, September 8, 2012

Maine Trip; DAY 10: return and dad

Before dropping off the rental car, I went to see my other sister, Nikki.  She lives near-by and I was able to see her for a couple hours before meeting my mum to return the car.  We chatted about new occurrences in our lives while tap dancing around issues that we avoid discussing.  My niece and nephew got home in time for me to see them as well.

After returning the car, my mum went back to work for a few hours while I relaxed at her house and played with the dogs.  That evening, I used her car to drive out to see my dad again.  We sat in the yard and talked for awhile.  Then I made a quick dinner, Spanish Rice.  We used some of Sue's home-made salsa that she has been jarring.  It was actually quite a tasty meal.

After a nice evening, I headed back to my mum's.  We made some plans for early the next day and I had a flight back to Atlanta that next evening.  It is always nice to see my family and I was getting sad my trip was coming to a close.

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