Thursday, September 6, 2012

Maine Trip; Day 8: Boston

I set out early in the morning on Wed for my sisters house just north of Boston.  I have not seen my sister, Nomi,  in about 4 years and since then she has adopted 3 children with her wife, Kari. 

When I got there, two of the kidfs were at summer camp while the youngest was at home.  My sister, Nomi was sick on the couch.  We talked a bit when the kid took a nap and then headed out to Kickass cupcakes to pick up her CSA.

Kickass had a vegan cupcake which I snatched up for a bedtime snack that night.  After getting the CSA, we headed to the park for a bit before picking up the other two kids.  Once we got back, Nomi napped and I played with the kids until Kari got home from and made dinner.  I left shortly after dinner.  It was nice to meet my new nephews, I even brought them some CDs.

Before leaving Boston I decided to make one last stop, despite not being hungry.  Grasshopper, an old hang out of mine always brings back memories.  This is where all the punk kids go for vegan food after shows.  I can not count the number of times I have been there.  It has been a few years but nothing has changed, including the menu where I got my old favorite, Tofu Chickin Fingers in Sweet and Sour Sauce.

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