Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Long long days...

It has been a crazy week and a half.  With its ups and downs, it looks to end on a low note.  Sometimes things just do not go your way.  Frustration.  One of the few highlights of the week was that a friend of mine brought my some nice vegan cake.  I do always enjoy a treat!

That made two great bedtime snacks!  They are made by a local natural foods store.  There are only a few things that make me feel better after a long crummy day.  A large slice of cake in bed is one of them.


  1. "A large slice of cake in bed" sounds pretty damn decadent, if you ask me! Sorry the week sucked, but at least there was cake!

  2. Sorry that things didn't go your way but that cake looks pretty delicious and certainly would be a great way to reward yourself after a long and crazy couple of weeks!

  3. It's such a funny and weird habbit of you, cake in bed. Mine is very common: I have to read before I go to sleep. Even when I go to bed in the middle of the night after a party.

  4. That cake looks delightful - I keep thinking I need to bake a chocolate cake again. And this post has convinced me I should. Just not sure it will happen before Xmas :)
