Saturday, December 3, 2011

Real Estate and Beans

I finally got a couple of days off after a grueling week.  Interestingly, I spent it mainly doing Real Estate business, playing catch up.  I did not cook much nor do anything blog-worthy.  Unless the blog world wants to hear about me riding around town looking at (mostly) vacant houses and the story of why one is now called the "naked guy house".  Seems like poor blogging though and certainly not food related.

I did soak some black beans overnight.  I made a variation of my Smokey Black Beans and Kale recipe.  It really hit the spot.  It felt good to have a nice home cooked meal.  With all the time spent at the jobby job, I have been eating mostly quick one player foods.

Throughout my life, I have been called Even Steven often.  These last few weeks has been full of stress and disappointment.  I am looking forward to the upcoming weeks when it all wheels back around.

Feet, you better brace yourselves, we are going to need a smooth landing.


  1. I like the title, very catchy! Glad you got a few days off from the jobby job. Hope the coming weeks are on the up and up for you! The black beans sound awesome.

  2. Try and enjoy your days off, I hope things start to look up for you! And I would love to hear the story about the "naked guy house." I feel like there is probably nothing boring about that. Nice looking meal!

  3. Hope everything smooths out soon--glad you got a few days off to rest though! And your beans look awesome!

  4. that dish look dangerous but very yummy looking.

  5. I just couldn’t leave your website before telling you that we really enjoyed the quality information you offer to your visitors… Will be back often to check up on new posts.

  6. Naked guy house? Umm, yes. I want to hear the story about this. How you can dangle something like that out and just leave it there?! ;) I'm waiting.

  7. I hope things turn around for you.

    Ah and I've been eating a lot of beans recently too, but my excuse is trying to finish off whats in the storecupboard. Like the sound of your dish though.

  8. I´m sure you will get back on your feet in the coming weeks. Cooking is just a great way of forgetting about our problems and doing something productive with our lives while we are down. Last year I got an apartment rental in Buenos Aires in my trip to Argentina especially because I new I was gonna miss my family and I was gonna have the urge to cook, so I needed a nice kitchen. It was great because I learnt a few local receipes with Dulce de Leche!
