Friday, November 25, 2011

Eye of the storm

It has been a crazy work week.  While everyone is busy with their families, I have been racking up the hours at the jobby job as well as working on the Real Estate business.  I love logged about 55 hours in 5 days, busy days, this week.  It has been rough but this is the middle point.  I still have some long hours heading into the weekend.  I should be back on track around the first of the week.  This is the eye of the storm.

Needless to say, long work days leads to very little kitchen time.  I did have a few stored up pictures from recent dishes that I thought I would share.


  1. Wow, you really are putting in a lot of work! I hope that you find some time to relax soon! Those potatoes look delicious and very comforting!

  2. Looks delicious! Hang in there, buddy... Wishing you well from the temporary solace of New England, as it's back to work for myself soon enough.

  3. I am working hard too these days, difficult to visit other bloggers, but I hope that things will settle, for both of us, and the hard work will pay off :-)


  4. hope you had a nice time at work eventhough you had to work on thanksgiving day.

  5. I hope you're making it through the crazy times. Remember to find peace & breaks when you can!
