Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A holiday to remember?

For me, the holiday season is a mess.  I have no family close by so I offer to work the holidays at the jobby job so other can have them off (and I get my time and a half).  This week I will be logging well over 55 hours (busy hours) as well as doing the needed Real Estate stuff.

This leaves very little time to cook, or do much of anything for that matter.  The other side of that situation is that this is the time I need the best food.  I need to keep my body going, lots of sleep and healthy food.  Not blogging at midnight and eating popcorn.

Much of the next week food items look much like this cashew and kale stir fry.  Not sure if I will have much time to write this week nor will I have much to say.  Have fun over the holiday and make sure you are extra nice to people who spend it at work.


  1. Your stir fry looks really good.

    Sorry about not having family close. Have a good Thanksgiving anyways and be safe driving to and from work.

  2. I'm sorry that you don't have family around you to celebrate with and I hope that you can enjoy the holiday in your own way. I agree that good food is important to keep your body going in busy, stressful times like this as I have many of them myself.

    Your stir-fry looks gorgeous. What do you use as sauce for it?

  3. There's nothing wrong with this meal! It is indeed some of the "best food," as well as the simplest and quickest. And there is definitely something to be said for working over the holidays (especially at time and a half!). I often do it too and find the atmosphere much more cheery and relaxing than at other times, plus I get more done with the office deserted...

  4. For the past 15 years I have spent Thanksgiving by myself. My son goes to his inlaws for Thanksgiving and then they come to my house for Christmas eve and Christmas day. I love this grateful holiday alone, I get to decorate the house and to relax. I hope you had a good day Vic.
