Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I am only going to offer a short post today.  As of about midnight last night, I am officially on vacation.  I have a little trip planned but nothing major.  It was a use it or lose it vacation.  I have a secret list of things I would like to get done during my time off but I am going to keep it to myself so that I am not actually obligated to do any of them.

When I woke up this today, I felt like I did not even want to get out of my PJs, so far I have not.  I may not for the rest of the day.  I think I need some relax time.  It will be a nice break.

I set myself up for a nice end to the work week by bringing some fairly healthy food to the jobby job yesterday.  I made some red lentils, with cumin seeds, steamed broccoli and corn.  It felt good to eat.  I also brought a nice peach smoothie.  I hope to eat some nice foods on my vacation.


  1. Yaay, enjoy your time off. Sometimes, a day in your PJs is exactly whats needed.

    The broccoli, corn, red lentil combo sounds super yummy.

  2. Your lentil dish looks so yummy and sounds so healthy! Recipe? I'm extremely jealous of your vacation, enjoy every minute!

  3. Enjoy your vacation, you deserve it the crazy workload you've been on. I Lol'd at your "not actually obligated" comment. Hee hee hee

  4. Have a relaxing, restful vacation! Time off is always good to rejuvenate

  5. That broccoli concoction looks yummy (the soup does, too)!

    Have a WONDERFUL vaca, you deserve it :)
