Friday, October 7, 2011


I am taking the time this afternoon to get some thing ready for a small hiking trip this weekend.  I am hoping that Ashley and I will catch the beginnings of the foliage season but I fear we may be slightly early.  It will still be a great time and we should see some amazing things.

I picked up some supplies for a few day trips.  Very indulgent but still solid food for a day or tow in the woods.  Maybe I will wrap up some burritos for the evenings.  We should be able to pick up some fresh fruit while we are close to our location.  Bananas in the woods are the best.


  1. Have a great trip! Take pics of the lovely nature things you encounter ;) That haul should definitely be energizing for you!

  2. I agree bananas are the best snack! Just looking at a clif bar makes me want one.! lol Have a great hike!

  3. Lovely goodies!

    I hope you get to see some fall foliage where you're going. Take lots of pics for us! :)

    Safe travels!

  4. Hiking is the absolute best fall activty, the crisp air and the beautiful colors! And less sweat as it's cooler out!


  5. Looks like there's gonna be some yummy munching on the trail. Have fun!

  6. Enjoy your hiking trip :-)


  7. so much fun! i cannot wait to see some pictures and i'm interested to find out what else ya made to bring along. clif & lara bars are great for hiking, and i agree on the bananas as well. have a fantastical time!
