Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Apples and Ice Cream!

Despite taking an apple to work each day, giving out several apples, making apple squares, and Ashley taking her share of the apples to her house, I still had a few apples left.  Coincidentally, I also had no snack for bedtime.  Problem solved.

I cooked the apples down in some cinnamon, walnuts, maple syrup and vanilla, until they were soft.  Then I simple scooped them on a plate, dropped some almond ice cream on them and drizzled the remaining syrup over the top of the whole thing.  It was like pie without the crust.  It was fantastic.  Due to a spill, it also ended up all over the sheet and comforter in my bed.


  1. You have a comforter in your bed? What does it look like? A teddy bear? A blankie? A snuggly-cuddly kind of fluffy thing? Photo please!

  2. Yum!! That looks and sounds phenomenal! Sounds like your trip to the orchard left you with quite the bounty but we all benefit from it! You've provided some amazing apple recipes!

  3. I love cooked apples like this, but I've never added vanilla...I'll have to try that addition the next time. And with ice cream...total yumminess!
    ha...too funny about the spill. That's why I don't eat in bed. :o)

  4. Oh my, that looks like creamy, cinnamony perfection. I love when ice cream melts over warm fruit.

  5. This looks insanely good! I hope you didn't regret it after the spill. I would have been so mad at myself!

  6. I am literally drooling over your dessert right now :-)

  7. Hell yes!
    That looks so decadent. I can't believe it has only a few ingredients.

  8. Mmm, such a classic treat. Few things are better than vanilla ice cream melting over warm apples... Or maybe, a warm brownie... But apples are certainly much healthier and more seasonal. ;)

  9. looks like a perfect combination

  10. oh my goodness those apples look amazeballs and i don't even really like apples!!!!!!

  11. Good lord, how did I miss this? And me with my fridge full of green apples, too. Off to buy some vegan ice cream...does that look wonderful or what?

  12. I like how you you actually eat your bedtime snack in bed! Also this tasty apple dish is a pretty elaborate bedtime snack, which I fully support.
