Friday, October 14, 2011

A night of campany

I broke out of my anti-social shell a bit last night and had some guests over for dinner.  Adrianne (of Crack the Plates fame) and Nate came over for dinner and conversations.  I made Seitan Steaks, Mashed Potatoes, Roasted Brussel Sprouts, salad, and a failure of a Cheesecake.  It was a nice meal and the conversation was certainly entertaining.  I hope to do more dinners like this in the future.  Adrianne is a great cook and I would be fun to share ideas!


  1. we're kind of antisocial when it comes to having people over for dinner, too. in fact, we started having thanksgiving by ourselves so we could just veg out together and not have to worry about anything. ha! that's awesome you had friends over to enjoy one delicious spread! sharing food ideas is one of my favorites - i love food so much and get all excitedfaced talking to someone who's really into food, too. so awesome!

  2. Yum, that meal looks DELICIOUS!! I'm kind of anti-social in my off-time too...mainly because I am around people ALL THE TIME I like having my me time. It is nice to be around small groups and sharing a nice meals though.

  3. Your seitan steaks are my favorite seitan recipe. Dinner sounds great!

    We don't have people around for dinner often either, but that's mainly because we don't have enough chairs or plates! :)

  4. Your seitan steak looks so yummy! Thanks for leaving a comment at my blog. I started blogging again.

    I love seitan! You are my kind of cook who is not afraid using spices!

  5. Adrienne is amazing, I wish I could hang out with her more often! And the food you made looks soooo tempting!

  6. Okay, your meal looks awesome, and roasted brussels sprouts are always a hit with me, but I most definitely wouldn't consider that cheesecake a failure...more like a delicious experiment that needs an original name: pineapple cheesecake trifle (I'm fantasizing about the pineapple since you don't say what kind of cheesecake it is), something like that. It will rip through the Internet and set it in flames ;-)

  7. First, I LOVE the pyrex cinderella nesting bowl in the center of the table! I know that's random, but I'm a bit of a fiend for those nest bowls. Secondly, no cheesecake is a failure - no matter the cracks! :)
