Thursday, October 13, 2011

Relaxing on vacation

I have been keeping busy with my to-do list on my vacation.  I am plugging along but am lazing about quite a bit.  It is nice to just relax.  I did however, make a nice cake for my bedtime snacks!

I have also been making more french fries since the weather has been cooler.  They are so good.  French fries are one of my favorite foods.  Not much else can compare.


  1. I! LOVE! FRENCH FRIES!!!!!!!!

    Dinner tonight, right?

  2. I feel I would like to dip the french fries in the cake's icing. Wait... Ok, yeah, fries with icing could work! :)

  3. dinner last night was sooooo good. you're my hero.

  4. Vic, your blog is beautiful and the food looks amazing...So much so that I have selected you to receive a Liebster Blog Award!

    Here is the link:

    Happy MoFo!
    <3 Dawn
    Vegan Fazool blog
