Monday, October 17, 2011

Pumpkin Picking 2011

Sunday, Ashley, her daughter Kaleigh, and I, took an afternoon trip to a farm and did some pumpkin picking.  We attended this same place last year and it was a lot of fun.  I know I am repeating myself from the apple picking trip but, it is amazing to see how much of a difference one year makes when you are only four.  Kaleigh even lead us in two different corn mazes.

We found the perfect pumpkin at the end of the day.  Kaleigh said she wanted one that was large enough to carve but one she could carry herself.  We found it, but only after she and I ogled all the rotten pumpkins.  It was a fun afternoon.


  1. What a fun day! Great pics and looks like you guys picked out the perfect pumpkin. :o)

  2. What a perfect pumpkin! Sounds like a really fun day

  3. Great pics and the pumpkin DOES look perfect! She is such a cutie!
