Monday, September 26, 2011

An unconventional Real Estate meeting

Last Thursday evening, I had a meeting with Adrienne (who does Crack the Plates) and her partner, Nathaniel.  We talked Real Estate and Adrienne made some amazing food.  It was really refreshing to have a Real Estate meeting with folks that I seem to have so much in common with.  It was a nice "outside of the box" experience.

Adrienne made some beans, rice, and a jerk seitan with peppers.  It was delicious.  In fact, it was so good I had to go back for seconds!  The beans were by far my favorite.  They were perfectly cooked and seasoned.  It was a great meal coupled with great conversation.  It is also nice to see other folks who collect the vintage cook and glassware.

Nathaniel even shared his first successful cookie making experience with me.  I was warned that the cookie was made with whole wheat flour.  I actually do not mind whole wheat in my pastries so I thought the cookie was fantastic.

It turned out to be a really fun night and I got to know so very nice people.


  1. Wow what a beautiful meal! Sounds like you guys had a great time :) The cookies look great too. It is always nice to enjoy a meal with great company.

  2. The jerk seitan sounds amazing! Definitely a "funner" business meeting than the usual :)

  3. That is nice to eat at another vegans place. I've never done that yet. Only gone to friends houses that made something special for me, but still ate meat themselves.

  4. Good one! And good food always helps with conviviality.


  5. You are so lucky to have other vegans around you. All the food looks delicious!
