Sunday, September 25, 2011

Burrito rice...soon.

Lunches have been heavily on my mind over the last week or so.  I have been enjoying the cooler weather and the invitation to use the oven again.  However, I did make some summer standards, burritos!  I made an extra to tote to work with me.  There is not much like a good burrito.  I am working on a rice recipe for inclusion in burritos and I think I am about done with it.  It has been adding some great flavor and texture to the burrito.

I also made a nice light pasta salad.  The recipe is worth sharing but I will wait for the upcoming Vegan MoFo.  It is just around the corner!  I do not think I will be able to commit to posting each day as I did last year.

I will be out of town for a few days in October.  Vacation!  In fact, I have a full 10 days off from the jobby job in October.  I do not have much planned at this point.  It was kind of a "use it or lose it" scenario.  It will be nice to have the time to relax, take a weekend trip and get some house works done.


  1. yum, love burritos! Very comforting :) The avocado looks perfect!

  2. your twisting my arm Vic with your rice and avvocado...It is to die for.
