Wednesday, September 28, 2011

More than a Fair time,

It is fair season here in Georgia.  As a kid, it was something I really looked forward to each year.  Now that I am older, it is till fun but for other reasons.  As a people watcher, it is always interesting to go and see the unique characters that wander the fairgrounds.  This year, Ashley and I took her daughter, Kaleigh.  Kaleigh was sick so her energy level was low but we still had a lot of fun.  It was her first real fair experience.  We did t all, we rode rides, we eat fries, we pet animals, and we played games.


  1. Sounds like fun. It's been ages since I've been to a fair. I love the pic of that slide.

  2. such great fun, glad you all had a great time.

  3. Uh, I am scared of some rides, I scream like a maniac!

  4. Aww how fun! Looks like you guys had a great time, sounds like a blast!
