Friday, September 23, 2011

Thank you.

I really appreciate the helpful comments I got about my blog and the ways to improve it.  It is nice to have help, in fact, I took several of the recommendations.  I think this will help me support other blogs I enjoy as well as help other support this blog.  Thank you.

As for the kitty to live with me, I am doubtful.  I am allergic and not home enough.  I do enjoy the company but it does not currently suit my life.  I will just have to hope that Jamie goes out of town again so that I can cat-sit!

Last week, I made some great thai food.  It has been something I have been craving and Ashley was down to try.  It came out really well but I want to continue to tweak the recipe before I share it.  I am not sure it is very aesthetically pleasing.  It came out very green.  The taste was solid though.  It is hard to go wrong with thai basil and thai chilies.


  1. I find it looks very good, especially with the spot of white rice in the middle.

  2. That recipe looks so good and I need the recipe so hurry up and tweak it! :)

  3. You coulde use one of the two first photos on your post to decorate the top part of your blog. The pictures are gorgeous and the food looks amazing Your a great cook Vic.

  4. Interesting dish! Thai food is one of my favourites!

  5. Those peppers are beautiful! Looks like a great dish, and I'm awaiting the recipe.

  6. Well, nice to see a blog roll there, and thank you for having me on :-). I have a couple of nice vegan recipes just posted too :-)!!

    Pity about the cat allergy, I hope it is not extreme, and great colour that curry, my green curry is never that green, maybe because i put lots of coconut milk, and I don't blend the basil leaves but just add them at the end :-), still, il looks amazing and yes, you cannot go wrong with Thai!

