Thursday, September 22, 2011

House guest!

Over the Labor day weekend, I had a house guest!  I was so excited and we had so much fun.  Tato came for a visit!  It has been a long time since he came for a visit and I was thrilled he was here.

When I lived with Jamie, and just began this blog, years ago, Tato had just flown in from Maine to live with us.  He was just a little rug rat then and really was a hellion.  Now, he is older and far more mellow.  He still head-butted me awake each morning at 9:00am.  That was a downer, but it was still sweet.  He is a good guy and I was disappointed when I had to take him back to his home at Jamie's.

It is always hard when it is time for him to go home and I hope he come back to visit again soon.


  1. Is he an outdoor cat? Is that why you never see him?

  2. Awe...Tato is adorable.
    In regards to your question about my blog roll on how I got them to list as most go to design, then you go into to edit your blog roll, as if you were adding a blog to it. At the top of the pop up box, you will see where it says title. sort, and show. Click on the down arrow by sort and change it to Most Recently Updated. That should sort your blog roll to where the most recently updated ones show up at the top. Let me know if that doesn't work, or if my instructions don't make any sense. :o)

  3. he looks like our Chaco. Chaco was hit by a car one day when he ran out the opened screen door. He was my son Sammy's cat and Chaco died a week after Sammy passed away from cancer. I think they are now together like they were here on earth.

  4. What a beautiful kitty! I agree, maybe it is time for your own kitty. I got so attached to my brother's animals when I was pet sitting, I wanted to bring them home with me!
