Friday, September 30, 2011

Searching for the motivation...

Only 1 more day until Vegan MoFo.  I do not have much to share right now, I hope for some inspiration heading into MoFo.  I have not been cooking much recently.  I do have a vacation coming up that I hope to get a lot of housework and cooking completed.  I just need to stay motivated.

I did however, make a massive plate of fries yesterday.  I felt good and comforting.  I ate to many and it made me feel a little less comfortable later but it was still worth it.


  1. Yum the fries look delicious! I know how you feel..I am stoked about MoFo but I feel like I'm supposed to have a theme or something interesting or different to share...and I don't. I'm sure you'll find lots of interesting things to blog though...and there will be lots of inspiration out there too!

  2. Yummy... even that picture is very comforting =)

    Inspiration is not always easy... I'll be posting pictures of everything I eat during the last week of October... requires no inspiration, and I find it interesting to see what people eat everyday.

  3. I honestly don't know how anyone keeps up with MoFo... Good luck!
