Saturday, October 1, 2011

Vegan MoFo Kick Off: Apple Sqaures!

Here it is!  Vegan MoFo is finally here!  For those in the blog world that do not know what Vegan MoFo is, it is the Vegan Month of Food.  It is where vegan bloggers throughout the world, blog as much as they can.  Last year I was able to post everyday.  I have high hopes for this year but I know I have a busy month ahead and may not meet that same goal.

As for today's post, I wanted to share something special.  This is a recipe circa 1998 that I made often back then.  I was going to save them for the cookbook but I have decided to share them today, to kick off a great month of MoFo.

These are slightly on the crumbly side and my plastic wrap skills leave something to be desired but they still make a wonderful snack for the road.  I have taken them to work, school, and even traveling.  They are the perfect pack and go food.

Apple Squares

2 medium tart apples (peeled, cored, sliced thin)
1 1/2 cups of flour
1 cup of packed brown sugar
1 cup of oats
1/4 cup of apple juice
1/4 cup of crushed walnuts (optional)
3 tablespoons of oil
2 tablespoons of cinnamon
1 tablespoon of molasses
1 teaspoon of baking powder
1/2 teaspoon of salt

Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees and prep the apples.

In a large bowl, combine the flour, brown sugar, oats, baking powder, crushed walnuts, cinnamon, and salt.  This should be relatively smooth.  Add the oil and molasses and slowly add the apple juice, mixing with your hands until the mixture begins to clump slightly.

Then take 2 cups of the mixture and slightly pack in into a 9x9 glassware baking pan.  This will be slightly more than half of the mixture.  Use the apple slices to spread over the next layer.  Lay them flat and stack them high.  Use the remaining crumb mixture to sprinkle over the top of the apples.  Pat very lightly and bake for 45 minutes or until the edges begin to brown.

Allow to cool for about an hour, then slice into 6 pieces.  Tote and share.


  1. I'm not taking part of Vegan MoFo this year but love to read all the posts! Your apple squares looks delicious ;)

  2. This looks like such a perfect recipe - especially since I've already started hoarding Fall apples :) And I love how it's from 1998; that's some serious staying-power!

    PS I'm glad to be making the blog rounds (and posting) again - thanks for your comment :) Happy VeganMoFo!

  3. These look so autumn-y and delicious!

  4. Those squares look so delicious! My favourite apple pie recipe also has oats, so I'm sure I'd love these.
    Happy mofoing!

  5. Those squares look quite nice!
    I may give them a try : )

  6. Wow! These look delicious! I am definitely going to have to try these!!! Great start for MoFo!

  7. "Tote, and share." Love it, haha. Apple bars are some of my favorite bars to bake.

  8. These are very good, I am impressed! What a great start for Vegan Mofo :-).


  9. This recipe is perfect for all the apples coming into season! Thanks for sharing :)

  10. apple squares are one helluva way to start off october and kick off vegan mofo. so awesome! it looks like i can make these gluten-free pretty easily and i'm excited to try it out - just picked up some apple goodnesses at the farmer's market yesterday.

    happy MoFo'n! MEGAyay!

  11. This does look fantastic. I am a square-aholic, which is why I so rarely make them. Yours I can practically smell...with all the science in this world, why the hey can't they come up with a fat free, sugar-free, and lo-carb version of stuff like this?

  12. those look like something i could talk myself into pretending was healthy. :-)

  13. I've been sort of obsessed with apple foods/desserts lately, so I think there is a good chance I'll try these!

  14. These look so good Vic, perfect for autumn.
    Happy MoFo'ing buddy.

  15. Just found your blog through MoFo!These look fabulous. I'm definitely going to make them. Just one thing..when do you add the molasses, with the oil? I might just be being blind but I didn't see it in the instructions.Thanks.
