Tuesday, September 20, 2011

All food and no action.

I think my life is at a strange point when talking about the blog upkeep.  There are so many things that I want to do with this blog but am not tech savvy enough to even know where to begin.

  • I would really like to add a blogroll on the side so that readers could see blogs I follow.
  • I would like to tie in a way to contact me for Real Estate purposes.
  • I would like to find a away to drum up more followers.
  • I am still thinking hard about changing the name of the blog.

It seems like I have take many food pictures to share but there has not been much going on in my day-to-day life so I do not blog.  I feel like I am sharing picture of food I ate a week or more ago.  I guess there is no harm in that.

I thought I would share a few picture with the blog world and attempt to "catch up".  One is a nice summer salad.  I had some leftover soy strips so I fried them yup and tossed them on.

I made a stir fry about a week ago.  Stir fry is one of my favorite dishes.  I really like to pack the veggies in!

I have also still been making smoothies nearly every day.  In fact, I made one recently and poured it into my new mushroom cup!  Jamie got it for me, they are super cool.


  1. First, your food looks amazing! That stir fry is gorgeous, so colorful! ANd the cup is so cute!

    I'm not super tech savvy but blogger makes it pretty easy to do some of the things you are looking to do. Go to your dashboard and click on design and just play. There should also be a place there to add your blogroll. I had no idea how I wanted my blog to look and one night I just took some time to play around with all the settings and now I'm really happy with it.

    As for attracting followers, it is SO HARD but the best way to do it is to comment on and follow other blogs. That'll bring people to your blog. You have good content and great pics so you just need to bring people in and the only way to do so is to show people you exist :) I also don't see a follow button on your home page?

    I don't know if you were looking for all of that but I tend to ramble! Good luck!

  2. I think also, writing guest posts and becoming more visible on other people's blogs is a good way to get more readers. As xvavaveganx says, blogger makes the rest pretty easy, and you can't really mess up with it.

  3. You are a man, men like gadgets right? (or am I wrong? dunno!). Anyway, the blogger gadgets that you get here are so easy to use and they do everything by themselves. I suggest you add a followers list (bloggers are vane, they like to see their own avatar there), a blog roll (you can include not only food blog, but other funky real estate blogs in other parts of the country, why not, just to make it more real, even basketball blogs, or hiking blogs...), your 10 most viewed posts (with thumbnails, to make it look more interesting) and all sort of free gadgets to liven up the side bar.

    OK, maybe enough suggestions for tonight... just a last one: in my opinion changing the name of the blog is not necessary, building a 'brand' takes time, you may loose momentum if you change your name and readers cannot find you.

    Hope this help :-)


  4. I think the "links" sections that has all your recipes and such should have it's own "recipe" page... i do this on my blog, if you need help or want to lemme know... it would free up some space...

    as far as getting more followers (this only interested me for a sec) just respond to the posts of other vegan blogs, i followed you cause i saw ur posts on kmouse's blog and think that's why you started following me... also post your recipes on vegan recipe websites and make sure to include the link to the recipe on your blog!

    as far as the real estate... you could have another page on your blog saying "about me" or something...

    good luck <3
