Monday, August 1, 2011

Banana Bread

Months ago, I got my new blender.  It has been doing work in my kitchen.  I make smoothies for work nearly everyday.  It has saved me money and allowed me to eat healthier.  It has also forced me to get bananas every few days.

Recently, I got behind on the smoothie making and my bananas started to get too brown.  That can only mean one thing, Banana Bread!  It has been awhile since I have made some but after my recent cake disaster, I figured I should go for the sure fire thing.  There is not much better than a thick slice of banana bread as an after dinner treat.

These came out perfect and I was even able to use my small loaf pans for several loaves.  It has also been nice to share and even take some to work with me over the long weekend.  It went over very well with the work friends, they were happy I shared.


  1. Yes, this banana bread looks perfect.
    I ma back from holiday (sorry didn't visit much) come and have a look at Niue (do you know where is it?)


  2. that a great looking banana bread...nice job.

  3. Ah, seeing your delicious banana bread is torture... I was torn when I saw a stack of incredibly ripe bananas at the store with just such a treat in mind, but ultimately decided I didn't have enough time for another side project. I think I made the wrong choice now!
