Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Work food

The last few days in the kitchen have been fairly uneventful.  I have been working a lot to make up hours for a vacation I am about to take so I have not had much time.  I made a little hummus for some wraps, that has been great food to take with me to work.  I have also been making smoothies.  Nothing new really, just the same old classics.

A few weeks ago I made another batch of sheppard's pie.  Each time I have made this for work it has been perfect.  It is hearty enough to get me through the day at the jobby job but has enough flavor that it feels better then some pre-packaged meal.

Another week and I will be taking a much needed vacation.  It was cut back due to the lay-offs at the jobby job so I will be taking another in October.  I am hoping the fall will move by faster than this summer.  This heat is making me start to think about living somewhere other than Atlanta.


  1. always good to have some reliable dishes to fall back on.

  2. That hummus looks good on all those veggies. I know that was one delicious wrap!
    And that sheppard's pie looks so good. That's one thing I haven't attempted to make. Looks like that needs to chance now.
    I'm with you on all this heat...I'm ready to move up north!
