Monday, February 7, 2011

Potato Steak and Cheese Soup

It was a mildly productive monday.  I got several needed phone calls taken care of and even and errand or two.  Nothing special but certainly some needed things.  It is strange how accomplished I can feel just taking care of a few small tasks.

Saturday night, I made some great soup to take to work for a couple of days.  It was a great Potato Steak and Cheese soup that really saved well.  I used some of the remaining cheese sauce from the mac and cheese the other night and the seitan from the seitan steaks.  It was really tasty, creamy, and rich.

It is nice to find another great thing I can do with the seitan steaks.  When I perfect the cheese sauce, I will post a recipe for this as well.


  1. Hey there,
    I made homemade seitan for the first time yesterday... it ended up spongy and reminded me of the sketchy chicken nuggets served in school cafeterias that I always hated! I love a little vital wheat gluten mixed with tempeh or beans for meatballs, etc... but the texture of seitan so far hasn't done it for me... except for the country fried seitan at Soul Veg. Yours seems so good. Is there something I might be doing wrong to end up with spongy seitan?

  2. I've yet to have seitan. I have to say this Looks satisfying good.

  3. The seitan steaks sound great. I'll have to give those a try. I just made seitan for the first time Saturday. The taste was great, but the texture is weird. Like Helen said, mine were spongy.

  4. Yum! Your seitan steaks look tasty! I have yet to try seitan.

  5. EXCELLENT MEAL! I love Chicken Seiten with my rice...its really good.

  6. Looks very comforting, and filling. Good to have Monday done eh!

  7. Potato, steak, and cheese soup? Wow, that sounds like super uber comfort food! I'm digging it!
