Saturday, February 5, 2011

Treats of Crispy Rice

I have had a bag of vegan marshmallows in the cupboard for awhile.  Ashley has been making not to subtle comments about turning them into rice crispy treats.  Today, after a day willed with errands and a dinner out, we tried our collective hand at it.

As a kid, I was never much for the puffed rice snack.  I am not sure what it was but they did not appeal much to me.  Needless to say, making rice crispy treats was not high on my bedtime snacks list.  I was wrong.  It was only 30 minutes after we began, I was scarfing them down like I had found a new favorite bedtime snack.  These were great.


  1. vegan marshmallows are on my list of foods to try. i DO miss rice crispy treats. while i was in CA last week i bought a box of vegan rice crispy treats from trader joes. i gotta say i was kinda disappointed. they were so HARD. let us know if these last or go stale like mine did k?

  2. I love it and that's one thing I usually do with my looks yummy!

  3. I love those things and I had a bag of them too that mysteriously disappeared from our cupboard recently. Hmmm...stop by my blog! I gave you an award!

  4. I don't know this recipe, how did you make them?
