Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Smoothies and Stir-Fry

I have still been making smoothies often, although not daily.  Recently, peach smoothies have been getting a lot of attention.  Today I even made a pineapple smoothie.  They are all so good and my blender is taking it like a champ. 

I also made a nice stir-fry with some soy chicken and veggies recently.  I used to make stir-fry often but it seems that now I can not eat it all myself and never really bother to make it.  It was also much easier when I only lived 5 minutes from the farmers market and was cooking everyday.


  1. Uh, I haven't use pineapple in smoothies for ages, thank you for reminding me, yep, it is supposed to be very good for you...

    the stir-fry looks good, did you use sesame seeds?

  2. That stirfry looks really good! What brand of chick'n did you use? Also, I might have to try out a peach smoothie. I am so predictable with my smoothies.

  3. ooo I envy you and your pulverizing blender. Peaches are so underrated these days, I used to love peach yogurt, but no one else seemed to like it.
